Currently shown: 2015 August. Click on a month to see its archives!
2015. Aug. 27. 01:41
When a trade receives a new message or its status changes, the trade page is reloaded. This used to mean losing the message in the message box, if you were in the process of typing one.
This is now fixed. Just before the page reloads automatically, whatever text in the box is saved and reloaded into the message box after the page itself has reloaded.
No more having to ctrl+a ctrl+c when you hear the beep or losing the message altogether just because the other party sent their message sooner.
2015. Aug. 20. 03:15
Trailer for “The Peer to Peer Network” so funny
2015. Aug. 20. 03:06
The average trade (from start to finish) has gone down to 3 minutes. Great improvement since the launch.
More all-time charts:
2015. Aug. 18. 08:50
2015. Aug. 06. 20:15
Apparently it’s normal to get emails like this when you have bitcoin related websites:
Text version:
Hey is this website still up and running? Are you interested in turning it into a scampage? How many viewers do you have? If people actually buy from there i could set up a bunch of scam listings and scam users and we could split it? Let me know.
A google search for this parasite’s email address reveals that they are in the process of setting up their own scam website:
I’ve posted this in case anyone googles the website’s URL in the future.