‘Life On Bitcoin’ is Easier Than Producing a Film About it

source: Bitcoin News

2016. May. 10. 00:00

‘Life On Bitcoin’ is Easier Than Producing a Film About it

In a recent blog entry from the creator and star of the documentary Life On Bitcoin, Austin Craig details the hardships the team faced trying to produce a finished product.  

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In 2013, newlyweds Austin and Beccy Craig started an adventure of trying to live solely on Bitcoin. Austin explains that he owes the community an apology because the project had stalled a bit due to the team having contrasting visions concerning the project. He says:

“The project stalled because our team failed. After crowdfunding, we began filming, and it became clear that the Life on Bitcoin team didn’t all have the same vision. We also didn’t communicate well, we weren’t aligned on responsibilities and delegation, and we were naive about the lengths necessary to complete and distribute a feature documentary.”

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The initial filming of the documentary seemed to be a great start, displaying the difficulties of living off cryptocurrency for 100 days. The couple embraced the challenges of finding food, gas stations, lodging, and cell phone activity throughout the voyage. The first few months of their marriage was initiated by this “surviving off cryptocurrency test.” The Craigs made quite a few headlines in 2013 and also raised $70,000 USD on Kickstarter to produce and release the documentary. In the end, the film team’s squabbles made the production of the project a failed attempt.

Craig says they didn’t realise how much went into the production of independent films. He says the “project dragged, tensions rose, and the scope sprawled.” The team, Austin explains, dwindled down to only a core few and he alone did not have the skills to complete most of the production. Craig says he feels sorry about the project’s disarray and how the project’s budget was handled — eventually wanting to walk away. However, Austin says,

“But my face and name are all over this project, with thousands of dollars contributed from thousands of backers. As much as I wanted to, I didn’t have the option of walking away.”  

At the end of the promotional process, and with a tiny budget remaining, the Life On Bitcoin crew hired an independent editor to complete the film. Eventually, they did finish the movie and the documentary has had “overwhelmingly positive” reviews, says Craig. He’s proud of the movie but disappointed with how some of the promotion and production processes went down. Craig concludes by saying:

“It’s a great introduction to the subject and it’s [sic] world-changing potential. I’m proud of that. It turns out making a movie is just another mile marker, before the monumental task of marketing and distribution for a first-time filmmaker.”

Have you seen the Life On Bitcoin documentary? Let us know about it in the comments below. 

Images via Life On Bitcoin & Twitter

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