source: Bitcoin News
2017. Mar. 21. 16:26
During the first week of February bitcoin miner and angel investor Chandler Guo revealed he would begin supporting Bitcoin Unlimited (BU) in the near future. Now on March 21, Guo has announced he will be making the jump towards voting for BU with his mining pool’s hashpower.
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Over the past two months, there has been a lot of support directed at the BU protocol as many miners have begun to vote for the bitcoin client. Last week the large mining pool Antpool pointed a majority of its hashpower towards BU. Antpool currently runs 19 percent of the global hashrate.
Following Antpool’s decision to support BU, another mining operation called the Bitclub Network mined its first BU block on March 20. Bitclub Network’s pool commands 3.7 percent of the global hashrate and pool owners detailed they were frustrated with network congestion
Last month Chandler Guo said he was creating a new mining operation called X pool and stated, “The pool will signal Bitcoin Unlimited.” Guo has always been opinionated and vocal within the cryptocurrency industry as he is well known for his stance during the Ethereum fork. On March 21 Guo revealed to his Twitter followers, he will now be directing his support towards the BU protocol.
I’ve made the jump to Bitcoin Unlimited today. Come join us, come to Bitcoin Unlimited.
At press time 40.3 percent of blocks mined on March 21 supported BU. Pools signaling BU support include Viabtc, Antpool, Bitclub Network,, BTCtop, Canoe, GBminers, and Slush.
40.3 % of blocks mined on March 21 show Bitcoin Unlimited (BU) support.With the additional push from Chandler Guo’s mining pool, roughly another one percent of the network hashrate will be added to BU support. If Guo follows through with his original plan and adds another 100PH to the X pool, the operation hopes it can accumulate 3.3 percent of the global hashrate in the near future.
Bitcoin Unlimited support at the time of writing has signals stemming from nine mining pools. represents Chandler’s Guo’s X pool.The Chinese investor is a big believer in the cryptocurrency revolution stating last year he believes the global GDP will be based on bitcoin. Guo also has a vested interest in Ethereum Classic (ETC) and has offered capital to ETC startups working with the protocol. With X pool (which also consists of pointing its hashrate at BU, it shows Guo is once again stating his opinion publicly but also backing up his words with hash power.
What do you think about Chandler Guo supporting Bitcoin Unlimited? Let us know in the comments below.
Images via Pixabay, Youtube,, Coin Dance, and Twitter.
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